KIT СО2 OXYGEN SATURATION START Cost of goods available only to registered users. Log in to your personal account or register.
KIT СО2 OXYGEN SATURATION HOME Cost of goods available only to registered users. Log in to your personal account or register.
KIT СО2 OXYGEN SATURATION INTENSIVE Cost of goods available only to registered users. Log in to your personal account or register.
Vitamin Gel Activation (step 4A) / Гель - активатор для витаминной пудры CO2 Cost of goods available only to registered users. Log in to your personal account or register.
Vitamin Powder (step 4B) / Витаминная пудра СО2 Cost of goods available only to registered users. Log in to your personal account or register.
Pudding Cream (step 5) / Пудинг крем СО2 Cost of goods available only to registered users. Log in to your personal account or register.
Bubble Gel-Mask (step 3) / Щелочной гель-проводник для оксигенации кожи Cost of goods available only to registered users. Log in to your personal account or register.
Facial Scrub (step 2) / Энзимный скраб скатка CO2 Cost of goods available only to registered users. Log in to your personal account or register.
Cleansing Gel (step 1) / Очищающий гель для лица CO2 Cost of goods available only to registered users. Log in to your personal account or register.